I wish I had used my real name. I have absolutely nothing to hide.
Breck Taylor
i love my avatar...and i would like to be called "rat" instead of "jh".. could all the mods and simon unite in the second school and discuss this please?
how about you guys, would you rather another user name?.
I wish I had used my real name. I have absolutely nothing to hide.
Breck Taylor
an ex-dub friend of mine and i were discussing the various ways in which the wts ( governing body) has in so many ways, been guilty of many ruined lives.
i mentioned to him something i had forgotten about......that being the policy the witnesses had in the past with regards to how a witness mate handled physical abuse by their non-believing mate who physically beat them over their religion.. i related to him how my wife and i used to take a sister with an abusive mate back and forth to meetings for quite some time.
many times she had black and blue marks on her face as well as other areas.
Here's a real dinger: My Uncle who IS STILL AN ELDER, beat my cousin's head in with a hammer and he had to be hospitalized for months due to the trauma. When my Aunt went to the Elders to tell them what happened, they DISFELLOWSHIPPED HER on trumped up charges of adultery!!!! Unbelievable. Her argument against the false allegations was that she was so terrified of being killed by her monster of a husband that the idea of adultry never entered her head. My cousin still has brain damage to this day. My Uncle caims that he fell out of a tree.
i know there are a ton of problems with the idea of paradise.
i was just thinking about how much sense it doesnt make.
for example how is it supposed to work as far as housing arrangements?
He'd pretty much have to create new lions and change their dental work gastrointestinal systems to become grazers. No more "kitty wanna chase the string?"
i'm just wondering.....since some of you are now no longer apart of wt will you celebrate with a usa flag displayed outside your house.....
No flags. I'm still not really much of a patriot. I love the hell out of some fireworks though.
i used to come up with all kinds of things to do to pass the time during meetings and especially conventions.
i would resort to counting ceiling tiles sometimes or go over movies in my head line for line.
what did y'all do to beat the doldrum?
That's a good idea Ellie. Wouldn't work for me though as I would be tempted to pinch my kid just to make 'em raise a fuss.
i used to come up with all kinds of things to do to pass the time during meetings and especially conventions.
i would resort to counting ceiling tiles sometimes or go over movies in my head line for line.
what did y'all do to beat the doldrum?
I did, RR. 1911's are the shizznit. Sounds like your family has a prety good attitiude about firearms. A family that slays together stays together. JK. It's too bad we live on opposite side of the country, I'd like to go shootin' with you sometime.
i used to come up with all kinds of things to do to pass the time during meetings and especially conventions.
i would resort to counting ceiling tiles sometimes or go over movies in my head line for line.
what did y'all do to beat the doldrum?
There were no such things as text messaging or palm pilots when I was a dub. I gave the drinking fountain a hell of a workout though.
completely missed a dc!.
woo hoo .
i just didn't seem to get around to going last weekend.. bb.
Rejoice in the fact that you didn't have to eat another Muff'n'egg. (Do they still serve those gawd aweful things?)
i used to come up with all kinds of things to do to pass the time during meetings and especially conventions.
i would resort to counting ceiling tiles sometimes or go over movies in my head line for line.
what did y'all do to beat the doldrum?
LOL. I used to try that one too, however, I am a notorious sleep-talker which proved to be very embarrasssing on several occasions.
i used to come up with all kinds of things to do to pass the time during meetings and especially conventions.
i would resort to counting ceiling tiles sometimes or go over movies in my head line for line.
what did y'all do to beat the doldrum?
I used to come up with all kinds of things to do to pass the time during meetings and especially conventions. I would resort to counting ceiling tiles sometimes or go over movies in my head line for line. What did y'all do to beat the doldrum?